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We encourage all of our children to wear the school uniform at all times to help develop a positive image for the school.

Please note that uniform is required is required for all children from Reception to Year 6 but that school does not insist on a branded uniform or uniform with the school logo which is optional though recommended. Parents can choose according to the weather on what is the most appropriate uniform to wear.

The following uniform is required :

School Uniform

Pale Blue blouse or polo shirt
Pale blue polo shirt or T-shirt
Dark Grey jumper, sweatshirt or cardigan
Grey or Black skirt or trousers
Grey shalwar kameez
Pale blue and white Summer dress
Black shoes

In the Foundation Unit, we expect all Reception children to wear their school uniform every day, although not necessarily the Nursery age children. But, if parents want them to, that’s fine with us.

Parents are also asked to provide suitable kit for P.E., games and swimming. We ask the children to wear black shorts, track suit bottoms or leggings and a white polo or T-shirt for P.E.

Wearing jewelry is discouraged with the exception of watches and ear studs, though these must be removed for swimming and P.E. for health and safety reasons.

For swimming, children should bring a swimming costume or trunks and a towel. Children should not be wearing longer “Bermuda” style shorts as these are not allowed in the pool.

Please note that some quality, 'preloved' uniform is available from school for parents to buy. Please feel free to make a voluntary contribution to school fund.

Parents can now purchase our school uniform online from ‘Just Schoolwear’. Cardigans are priced from £11.95, sweatshirts £10.50 and T-shirts from £7.50. Please go to and enter ‘Greenfields Community School’ into the search bar. Book Bags are still available from the office for £5.00 and water bottles for £2.00.