Pupil Premium and P.E. and Sports Premium
Greenfields is fortunate to be eligible for Pupil Premium funding from the Government. This is money which is sent directly to schools according to the number of children who are eligible for Free School Meals.
Our key objectives in using the PP funding are to:
- Ensure all PP children of all abilities achieve their full potential.
- Narrow the attainment and achievement gap between those entitled to Pupil Premium and those not.
The PP funding is used to support a wide variety of opportunities for the children which the school would otherwise be unable to fund. The funding is also used for specific support and intervention for targeted pupils who are in danger of not reaching the expected level in their learning.
Not all children eligible for PP funding underachieve, but for those who do, the reasons are varied and could include limited support at home, social and emotional difficulties due to complex family situations or attendance and punctuality difficulties.
For further information on Pupil Premium funding, please the Department for Education's guide to Pupil Premium below :
Department for Education
Articles and advice for children and young people.
Sports and P.E. Premium
Greenfields is also fortunate enough to benefit from the P.E. and Sports Premium funding every year.
For more information on how this funding is allocated, please read the following report :