Welcome to our Governors’ section.
Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.
We have also provided a Register of Governor Interests and an Annual Statement of Issues for your information.
Greenfields has 9 Governors who help run the school. The Governing Body is made up of representatives from our parents, staff, Local Authority and the local community. They work incredibly hard to make sure that the school performs as well as it possibly can.
The Governors are : Term From Term To
Co-opted Representatives
Ms Christine Atkinson (Joint Chair) Mrs Gillian Roberts (Joint Chair) Mrs Serena Hussain Vacancy Mrs Clare Thomas Ms Daisy Ford |
26/09/22 10/10/23 03/02/22 10/07/23 14/03/24 |
25/09/26 09/10/27 02/02/26 09/07/27 14/03/27 |
Local Authority Representatives
Parent Representatives
Mrs Melanie Ibrahim Mr Ryan Maguire |
08/01/24 08/01/24 |
07/01/28 07/01/28 |
Staff Representatives
Ms Morgan Foyle | 10/07/23 | 09/07/27 |
- Mrs Lou Maltby
Meet the Governors
Chris Atkinson, Joint Chair of Governors
I spent over 30 years working in education with vulnerable children, including as an Educational Psychologist and in strategic leadership and management roles in Local Authorities, before I retired in 2022. I have been a Governor at Greenfields Community School since September 2022 and became Joint Chair in September 2023. I chose to be a Governor in the Meadows because I had good memories of working in the area at the beginning of my career, especially the diverse community and inclusive schools.
I have been made to feel very welcome as a Governor and like working with others to further develop this wonderful school and support children to be the best they can be. I share the values and ethos of the school, especially the emphasis on excellence and enjoyment. I enjoy going on walks with my dog and watching football. I am trying to learn Spanish, love going on holiday to Spain and the islands, and am hoping to travel to Mexico in the future.
Gillian Roberts, Joint Chair of Governors
I am a co- opted governor for Greenfields and have been on the Governing Board since September 2019. As my day job, I work as solicitor in Nottingham. I have 3 children, the youngest is at University and the older two are now working, so I love being part of the Greenfields community and meeting the children.
Outside work, I enjoy walking my dog, knitting and spending time with friends and family, particularly trying out different craft activities.
Lou Maltby, Headteacher
I have been a teacher for 29 years, 20 of those in the City of Nottingham. I have been involved in the governance of all of the previous schools I have worked in, and enjoyed being part of the governing body. I have extensive experience in Safeguarding and SEND working alongside Nottingham City Council's Safeguarding Partnership to develop high quality training for all education professionals in the city.
Greenfields is a fantastic ‘community’ school – which serves the community of the Meadows and the Governors play an important role in that support. I share the inclusive ethos of the school and hope to continue to provide a welcoming, engaging and vibrant environment for everyone involved in Greenfields Community School.
Clare Thomas, Co-opted Governor
Greenfields is a special place to be. It has been a privilege being a Staff Governor at Greenfields Community School since 2019. As a mum of three boys and a teacher of 23 years, I am passionate about making a difference to lives of all Greenfields children and ensuring that every child experiences a positive learning environment with the right support. A broad, balanced education makes a huge difference to a child’s life.
As Early Years Lead, I know each and every child and do my utmost to give the children the very best start to their school journey. As Assistant Head Teacher, Maths Lead and Designated Safeguarding Lead, I aim to use my experience and skills, to ensure that all children continue to thrive and reach their full potential.
Serena Hussain, Co-opted Governor
Hi am Serena, I have been a parent at this school for sixteen years now. I am a parent and a care assistant at the school now.
I have always lived in this community and the Meadows is an amazing place to live.
I come from a mixed background of Irish and Pakistani, my husband is Yeman and East African. Which helps me understand many cultures and languages.
I was a nursery nurse, child minder and then went to university, achieving a degree in Early Childhood Studies. I have four children, one who has a diagnosis of Autism, which has directed me into the work I am doing now. Greenfields is an amazing place to work and the team are great. Being a Governor gives me the chance to work with everyone to make Greenfields the best it can be.
Daisy Ford, Co-opted Governor
I became a Co-opted Governor at Greenfields Community School in March 2024. This was shortly after a rewarding experience leading a community outreach project with the school for the company I work for. Not only is my work based near Greenfields, but I also moved to the Meadows in 2020 and contributing to the local community is something that is very important to me. I have loved getting to know more about the school, staff and children - Greenfields truly is such a special place. Every child’s needs are put first and there’s a clear commitment to ensuring everyone achieves their full potential. The range of activities and experiences available at Greenfields is amazing and allows for a rich and exciting learning environment for all. I fully support Greenfield’s vision and values, and I am dedicated to helping the school continue to thrive and make a lasting, positive impact on the local community.
Morgan Foyle, Staff Governor
I’ve been part of the Greenfields since 2022 as a class teacher and a governor since 2023. Greenfields is a special school and wonderful community which I am grateful to be a part of. I believe that every child deserves the best possible education and support, and as a governor, I hope to play a key role in making that happen.
Mel Ibrahim, Parent Governor
Education has always been a part of my life. A qualified teacher, I have taught in a number of Nottingham City and county primary schools. I am also a member of the CIPD, the professional body for human resources and people development. I currently write and deliver training of a range of life skills projects to all sectors, including education, health, communities and businesses.
I have 2 daughters. Amaya joined Greenfields in 2021. I have seen the commitment to inclusion and how values and respect are important throughout the school. We are all unique and Greenfields nurtures this at every opportunity.
It is a school that I am excited to be a part of, not only as a parent, but as a parent governor, joining a team that is dedicated in supporting each child to realise their potential and to thrive.
Ryan Maguire, Parent Governor
Structure of the Governing Body
Governors meet each half-term throughout the year.
Each term, there is a particular focus for the full Governing Body meeting - Curriculum and Standards; Finance & Business and Children and Families.
The Curriculum and Standards group works with the school staff to ensure that the pupils receive a balanced curriculum based upon their individual needs and the requirements of the National Curriculum. The Finance & Business group sets the school budget when the LA has allocated the funding. This is done in consultation with the Head Teacher and SLT. It then meets throughout the year to monitor the school’s expenditure and to discuss staffing issues.
The Children and Families group then discusses support for children and families within the community, including safeguarding and child protection and those children who may have Special Educational Needs or a disability.
Register of Pecuniary Interests
Each Governor (and member of staff) has a statutory duty to to complete a "Register of Pecuniary Interests" each year, setting out the relevant business interests of Governors and details of any other establishments they govern.
There are no material interests arising from relationships between Governors or relationships between Governors and members of school staff, including spouses, partners and relatives.
No Governors have any roles in other educational institutions.
There are no school employees who have a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more.
Governors Attendance
Further information on financial benchmarking is available here :