Year 2
Autumn term
The Autumn term’s topic is based on Ourselves and what we are good at. The children will access activities that are linked to this topic. If your child has a favourite story, they are welcome to bring them in for story time.
Year 2 doors open in the morning at 8.50 am. This allows a quiet start to the morning and also gives you the chance to speak to a member of the team if you wish. Children are sat down and ready to learn for 9.00 am. Gates are shut at 9.00 am prompt. School ends at 3.15 pm.
Reading books
We change reading books on a Monday and Thursday. The children put their books in the white box by the door when they arrive at school.
Please can you read at least 3 times a week with your child and record this in their diary. Reading morning is 8.50 am on Tuesdays.
Please feel free to stay and read with your child.
Parent volunteers
If you have any skills or time that you can contribute to Key Stage 1, please let me know. Cooking, painting, sewing, building, craft, gardening – we can use any skill you have!
We have PE once a week, on a Wednesday morning. It is easier if you bring the children’s kit on a Monday and leave it at school until Friday. Children should wear white t-shirts, black shorts or bottoms and trainers or pumps.
School uniform
All children in school should be wearing full school uniform and black school shoes. Please can you label everything! We also have fantastic nearly new clothing available, and you would be supporting our Eco group if you can offer a donation! We also welcome any clean and nearly new uniform donations for our stall. Please ask Mrs Burnell or the staff at the office for information.
Thank you J