Welcome to Greenfields Community School.
Welcome to the Greenfields Community School website. We are all very proud of our school and the education that we offer to our children and families in a busy but caring atmosphere.
This website aims to give you the basic information you need to know about Greenfields, whether you are interested in the school or whether your child already attends Greenfields.
Hopefully, you will find a taster of the school, as well as providing regular updated information for both parents and pupils.
We hope that you enjoy your visit to our website, and that you find any information you are looking for. Please feel free to contact the school direct with any queries you may have.
Thank you for visiting!
At Greenfields, we aim to provide a happy and safe school where children reach their full potential and enjoy learning. We work very closely with our local community and our parents, creating a safe and exciting environment for all of our children.
We aim for everybody to be the best that they can be!
The School
Greenfields is situated in the heart of the Meadows area of the City of Nottingham. It is one of three primary schools which serve this area of the city. The school opened in September 2005 following the amalgamation of Arkwright and Meadows Primary schools.
Situated between the Nottingham Railway station and the River Trent, the Meadows area was widely redeveloped in the 1970s and consists of an area of redeveloped housing and an area of original Victorian buildings. The original school building itself was built in 1972 and is situated within its own extensive grounds. It comprises a predominantly open plan building with a separate Key Stage One department adjacent to the main building. The Foundation Unit is situated in a building across the field and is attached to the Meadows Children Centre with which the school works very closely.
The school has an extensive range of facilities, including a Performance Hall, a Cooking/Parents Room, Art Room, several additional learning spaces, gardens, a small wooded area, a log cabin, outdoor performance area and an allotment.
The number on role is 210 from Reception to Year 6 - a single year group school - with an additional 60 places for Foundation aged children. There are six single year group classes in school. The Foundation Unit caters for Nursery and Reception children.
The Meadows community is culturally rich and diverse with 75% of the children coming from minority ethnic backgrounds, the main ethnic group being Pakistani Muslim children. The school is extremely fortunate to have children from such a large variety of backgrounds. Altogether, more than twenty eight languages are spoken within the school.
We are very proud of the the work we do to support children and the local community and continue to aim high everyday.
The full OFSTED report can be found here : https://reports.ofsted.gov.uk/provider/21/134842
If you require any further information about the school, please don't hesitate to get in touch.